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Rok 1968 a Československo : Postoj USA, Západu a OSN
Year: 2008 Publisher: Bratislava, Slovakia : Historický ústav SAV,

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The Czechoslovak attempt for reform of Socialism in 1968 has, without any hesitation, become one of the most important events in the history of the common state of Slovaks and Czechs. Its birth, the gradual maturation and hopes for a better future were interrupted by the brutal invasion of five Warsaw Pact armies, and of course subjected to the wings of the Soviet Union in August 1968. Moscow, with help of tanks, regained control over the industrially mostly developed country of its Eastern Bloc. Czechoslovakia would ounce again become the example of an ideal satellite. The Czechoslovak attempt for reform of Socialism started during the time when the great powers, the Soviet Union and the United States of America, were trying to come to an agreement in détente politics. It proved to be unequivocal that this policy preserved the state from the Cold War. One of its main features was the mutual acceptance of the status quo by the great powers, whereas both great powers, Moscow and Washington, avoided interfering in the internal affairs of the Blocs. At first Moscow blessed the effort of the Czechoslovak revival, but as soon as Moscow evaluated this situation as the one that could violate the unity of its empire, it has decided to put an end of this process. Even if it might have initially seemed that Moscow hesitated to use its armed forces, well aware of the idleness and the lack of interest of the United States, Moscow finally did commit its armed forces, airplanes and tanks together with Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and East Germany. Its one and only task was to change Czechoslovakia to become an obedient foot-soldier and a strong component of the Eastern Bloc. Many books on Czechoslovak - or better to say Dubãek’s “Socialism with a human face” have been written. These books focuses mainly on internal development and attitudes of the Soviet Union and its European satellites. The Slovak, Czech and also foreign historiography have achieved quite amazing results regarding this topic. There are also many documents published in book form. Without any doubt, memories of the participants of that period have appeared in Slovakia and the Czech Republic after the “Velvet Revolution” from the beginning of 1990s. The purpose of this paper was not to provide a revision or summary of up-to-present available literature, but rather provide the attitude from a certain point of view. It is obvious from the title of the book that the main focus of this essay is the attitude of the United States of America, but also those of the West and the United Nations Organization. In reality there has not been such a compiled publication on the market until now. The attitude of the United States towards the Czechoslovak reform and towards its violent termination was influenced by several external factors. The most dominant ones were, for example, the Vietnam War, the effort to achieve the bipolar détente politics, and also the unimportance of a small Socialist country (Czechoslovakia) in the horizon of the American interest. When mentioned factors are taken into consideration, it is no wonder that the American attitude towards Czechoslovakia and its development after the year 1968 was as it was. Simply put, it was passive, unenthusiastic and uninterested. However, the American Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson verbally accepted the Czechoslovak liberalism; but on the other hand, it did not help it at all. The United States publicly deplored the August invasion and the subsequent occupation of Czechoslovakia, but otherwise it did not interfere within the affairs. The United Sates evaluated the situation as the affair of the Eastern Bloc, which was not focused against the interests of the United States and the Soviet Union. However, the American attitude was well known as early as the invasion had been planned. This was also the reason why the Soviet Union acted as it did. The Soviet Union knew for sure that nobody would interfere in its policy of how to solve its internal problem. A similar reaction came also from the countries of the West. The verbal disagreement with the aggression was perceived more as a “good point” for the evaluation of the events in the future. The attitude of nonintervention is also not surprising, because of the fact that the structures of armed forces arrangement of the Atlantic Pact were only the “extended” hand of the main power, The United States of America. What was the role of the United Nations Organization? Actually, it declared its weakness, “toothlessness” and inability to retrieve injustice of the military conflict. There were no proposed resolutions of the Security Council approved in consequence of the Soviet veto, which should have deplored the invasion of Czechoslovakia at least by declaratory means. Though Czechoslovakia strongly protested via the “mouth” of its Minister of Foreign affairs in the United Nations in New York and asked for immediate troop withdrawal from its territory, Czechoslovakia alone backed out of the public forum very quickly after the strong pressure from Moscow. When investigating this issue, many questions emerge. One of these questions is: Whether Dubãek’s mission of “the human face” could have been successful? When the context of that period, the world politics of the Soviet Union and other external factors are being taken into consideration, the answer is no. Other generations of Slovaks and Czechs would later pay for that.

Tradícia a dejiny : Vybrané otázky zo slovensko-maďarských a slovensko-ruských vzťahov (1934-1949)
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Year: 2009 Publisher: Bratislava : Historický ústav SAV,

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Výbery z diel niektorých autorov, publikované v poslednom období, stále častejšie ilustrujú fakt, že celá generácia historikov pomaly, ale isto starne a nebodaj i odchádza. A človek si napokon prekvapene uvedomí svoju príslušnosť k tejto skupine seniorov, za posledné roky vyzdvihovanej i zatracovanej. Na pranieri istej časti verejnosti sa mnohokrát ocitli najmä odborníci z novších domácich dejín, nakoľko medzi bežnými čitateľmi sa vždy nájdu jednotlivci, ktorí si čo to ešte pamätajú a po svojom aj hodnotia. V zložitej sústave historiografie možno hovoriť o určitej „výhode“, keď sa výskumník venuje predovšetkým otázkam všeobecných dejín a domáce udalosti konfrontuje s dianím v zahraničí. Hoci i tu možno nájsť úskalia, ak sledujeme témy v nedávnej minulosti zamlčované, či priamo zakázané. Pre tento zväzok vyberám niektoré z textov, publikovaných za posledných pätnásť rokov, teda v čase, keď sa konečne otvorila možnosť uzavretú tematiku spracovať: dovtedy boli do veľkej miery tabuizované archívne pramene k oficiálne utajovaným faktom a udalostiam. Sledovať problémy nahromadené do vzťahov Slovenska k Maďarsku a Rusku (v rámci ČSR alebo aj samostatne), za obdobie od roku 1934 do roku 1949, znamená sledovať mimoriadne zložité a zauzlené udalosti. A práve z tohto okruhu svojich záujmov som zvolila tematický záber ponúkaného výberu. Iba jedna kapitola sa vymyká z daného chronologického členenia a posúva sa do roku 1956. V niektorých príspevkoch, kratších i dlhších, publikovaných s rôznym odstupom, nebolo možné zachovať kontinuitu deja a neopakovať isté základné údaje. S tým sa napokon musí vo svojich publikáciách vyrovnať každý historik. Usporiadať texty prísne tematicky, alebo podľa skúmaného obdobia, sa ukázalo dosť zložité, nakoľko sa v sledovaných problémoch musím doslova posúvať tam i späť po rámcovej časovej línii. Napokon som celú knihu rozdelila na dva celky – Slovensko a Maďarsko, Slovensko a Sovietsky zväz – a v nich jednotlivé kapitoly označila rokom vydania a zaradila postupne. Témy, na ktoré sa v tomto výbere sústreďujem, prinášajú veľké množstvo najrozličnejších rozporných otázok, načrtávajú prístup vedúcich politikov ČSR, Slovenska, Maďarska a Ruska k formovaniu zahraničnej politiky, vrátane vzťahov, v mimoriadne zložitom období. V situácii, keď sa nacistická mašinéria vydávala na pochod cez málo stabilnú a rozhádanú Európu, je mimoriadne zaujímavé sledovať názory, motiváciu a konanie vládnucich kruhov jednotlivých krajín, ale i reakcie rôznych politických strán a zoskupení. Krátka medzihra, za trvania diplomatických vzťahov medzi ľudáckou Bratislavou a komunistickou Moskvou, v období pred začiatkom druhej svetovej vojny, dlhé roky zatajovaná, ilustruje nielen politický pokus pod dozorom Berlína, ale aj vnú- torné korene dobového slovenského rusofilstva. Z nášho hľadiska si zasluhujú pozornosť zahraničnopolitické úvahy reprezentantov rôzneho názorového zamerania, ich protirečenia, predstavy, nádeje a sklamania. Všetky otvorené otázky z obdobia vojny sa od roku 1945, v mierne modifikovanej podobe, znova dostávali na diplomatickú scénu a podnecovali rozpory zainteresovaných štátov. Pre malé krajiny strednej a juhovýchod nej Európy, ktoré sa napokon ocitli v područí Sovietskeho zväzu, ovládaného J. V. Stalinom, začala dlhá a strastiplná cesta k vzdialenej vidine slobody. Nie všetky problémy, na ktoré sa vo svojej práci zameriavam, našli v historickej obci na Slovensku ďalších záujemcov a pokračovateľov. Ale i tak, predstavovať opakovane niekoľko starších či novších štúdií stavia autora do zložitej situácie. Veď za posledné roky začali publikovať mladí historici, doma i v zahraničí, a k niektorým vybraným otázkam priniesli nové poznatky aj svieže pohľady. To je však prirodzený postup a nám, starším, ostáva iba nádej, že nastupujúci kolegovia nezatratia doterajšie výsledky. Historik môže dlho či zdĺhavo a viac-menej zaujímavo písať o svojej práci, vysvetľovať svoje myšlienky či pohnútky a podrobne rozoberať jednotlivé ponúkané texty. Ja nemám v úmysle objasňovať alebo ospravedlňovať svoju motiváciu, veď konečný obraz si aj tak vytvára každý kritický čitateľ. Problémy, ktorými sa zaoberám, sú neobyčajne zauzlené a ani v okruhu slovenských autorov sme sa nedopracovali k zhodnému pohľadu. V mojom prípade sa však porovnávanie názorov dotýka predovšetkým maďarských a ruských historikov, nakoľko svojím zameraním sa predsa len do veľkej miery vyčleňujem z tematiky čisto národných dejín. Predložený výber textov ponúka dosť prí- ležitostí na zamyslenie.

Rok 1968 a ekonomická realita Slovenska
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Bratislava, Slovakia : Historický ústav SAV,

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The purpose of this work (book) shall not be an insight into the year 1968 in Slovakia by mapping in detail the development in this period in the economic area, as a certain static picture. The author’s attempt was rather to perceive the events in this year as the outcome of a long-term process, which was actually already determined by the results of WWII. Those results decided that the postwar Czechoslovakia shall belong to the Soviet sphere of influence. The events of February 1948 only confirmed this tendency. A change in the essential social spheres followed and it might be called its systematizm. Not only did the political system change, which was formed into a modern totalitarian form. In the economic area, there were substantial ownership changes and the state became the most significant owner of production means. Gradually, a management system was taken over, which copied the Soviet forms, and the social structure of the society changed almost completely. In Slovakia, the socialist industrialization of the country was happening after February in this connection, supported by the investment from national funds. The importance of industry was increasing; economic activity of the population was growing. The economic growth in the monitored decade in Slovakia was actually in such a state that it provided for advancing towards the level achieved in the Czech countries in relative indicators, but on the other hand, in some of the crucial indicators the absolute differences were growing – e.g. created national income per inhabitant. The problems in the economic development were pointed out by the Slovak economists in the long term and their criticism was also gradually adopted by Alexander Dubček. His critical appearance in September 1967 had actually become a prologue to the events which became known as the Czechoslovak Spring 1968. Naturally, the problems of economic development did not only exist in Slovakia, but on the national level as well, and the economic crisis from the first half of the 1960s began the Šik’s reform. This was gradually implemented but it had some negative effects on the Slovak side. In the course of 1968, all these problems were being solved dynamically, not only in the economic area. From the political point of view, there was an attempt to create „socialism with a human face“, but it was the development in 1968 that proved that the socialist system based on the totalitarian ideology was non-reformable. The following year was only a swan-song of the economic reform which was gradually denounced by the new regime representatives. For the following twenty years, the entire Czechoslovak economy was hereby denounced to stagnation and falling behind the developed western countries.

Komunističtí intelektuálové a proměna jejich vztahu ke KSČ (1945-1989)
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2013 Publisher: Prague 3 [Czech Republic] : Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů

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Opravdu se sem těch několik zvláštních bolestných slov na rozloučenou nehodí? Takto přece odcházela ztracená generace mladých, kteří umřeli na válku nemající do té doby v dějinách obdobu. Takto odcházeli i příslušníci dalšího pokolení, jež pohltily flanderské, verdunské, karpatské, tannenburské, piavské mlýnky na maso. Mnozí z těch, kteří přece jen přežili, se v odpovědích na neodbytnou otázku otázek, jak se to mohlo stát, obrátili proti řádu, který ještě nedávno vypadal na civilizační triumf a důstojný život, a teď se jevil téměř jako inspirátor útoku pochybné či zneužité civilizace na lidské žití. Vzplanuly barbussovské ohně hněvu a zároveň touhy, aby bylo jinak.

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